The Amazing Race 19, Episode 12 – Go Out and Get It Done
The Leg
The final leg begins and the final three open their clues telling them to fly to their final destination city, Atlanta, Georgia. They all take the same Delta Airlines flight. Once in Atlanta, Jeremy & Sandy get the first taxi out, followed by Amani & Marcus and Ernie & Cindy.
Teams head to Flight Safety International for their next clue. Here, teams will pick a flight instructor and learn how to fly a Learjet flight simulator and then complete a successful landing from 2,500 feet to receive their next clue.
All three teams arrive one after the other, but it is Jeremy & Sandy who get it on their first try while Ernie & Cindy and Amani & Marcus fail. They get the next clue, a riddle telling teams to “Find the former residence known as ‘The Dump’,” referring to the former home of the Pulitzer Prize winning author of Gone With the Wind, Margaret Mitchell.
Jeremy & Sandy tell their taxi driver to head to an intersection so they can ask people. Ernie & Cindy safely land their plane and head out. Their driver doesn’t know The Dump either, so they call information. While Jeremy & Sandy get pointed to an old Home Depot location, Ernie & Cindy get the correct information.
And Ben, their taxi driver, takes them to the next clue and the Road Block.
![]() In this Road Block, teams will have to use a Remington typewriter, like the one used by Margaret Mitchell, to completely type out their next clue, including knowing to use the lowercase L as the number 1.
Meanwhile, as Marcus continues to collapse at the flight simulator, Jeremy & Sandy finally find the right location after wandering around inside this home store. Ernie finishes the Road Block and now teams must use the three numbers provided in the clue, “44 – 715 – 74,” and figure out that the numbers correspond to #44 Hank Aaron’s 715th homerun in 1974, breaking Babe Ruth’s all-time record.
Ernie & Cindy head to a hotel to Google it as Jeremy & Sandy arrive at the Road Block. And after their 12th attempt, Marcus & Amani finally land safely on the ground.
Ernie & Cindy learn that the numbers correspond to Hank Aaron, so they head to Turner Field where they find the cluebox. It’s the Final Task.
One team member (the one who didn’t do the Road Block?) will get rigged to a giant map and with their partner helping from afar, must map out the Race by threading the rope through hooks attached to each country they’ve had a Pit Stop in.
It’s easier than it looks and Cindy quickly finishes it as she and Ernie get the last clue telling them to head to the Finish Line at Swan House. Jeremy & Sandy appear to catch up at Turner Field, but it’s no use.
The gates open and in run Ernie & Cindy.
They step on the final Mat of the Race and Phil officially declares them the winners of the The Amazing Race. Phil asks them about what they’ll do with the money and Cindy describes how they want to start an organization that’ll multiply the million and help the needy around the world.
Jeremy & Sandy officially finish in 2nd Place with Amani & Marcus taking 3rd.
Episode Thoughts Wow. A very interesting finale. Certainly not the most exciting finale, but also far from the most boring. (Really, nothing will ever be as boring as the TAR10 finale.)
It was a great outcome for me personally, but there were still a few things TAR could’ve done better in this finale. That Final Task, which looked so epic and amazing in the previews fell a little flat. It was surprisingly simple and easy instead of being some intense, challenging Final Task that should’ve rivaled TAR12′s. It’s a nice concept in theory, but it came out being too easy, though still better than putting together a trailer park front yard (TAR18).
The Leg was also pretty simple considering how past final Legs have had more than three Route Markers. Granted, the clues that needed Googling are a step up from spoon feeding the teams, I think maybe they spent a little too much time at the flight simulator and the typing Road Block.
And speaking of, I feel great about myself knowing that the lowercase L is used for the 1 on many typewriters of the past. I guess it helped that we had a typewriter my whole childhood and how I loved using it all the time. I was surprised the teams did not know about the L/1 immediately, and they’re all at least 10 years older than me!
Still, overall, a solid finale helped greatly by the eventual winners.